Category Archives: 5. Beginning to Thrive Again

Life is most satisfying when you have deep connections and a clear sense of purpose. As you become more able to stand firm in your identity and gifting, you will find you are more able to reach out to others and embrace life in its fullness.

Are You Really Safer When You Refuse to Trust?

Trusting has been a problem in my life. How about you? I’ve trusted the wrong people and have gotten deeply hurt. I’ve been betrayed by those who told me they would love me forever. My solution, like so many of yours, was to decide I didn’t dare trust anybody. That decision made me overly cautious,…

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How to Use Your Senses to Calm Your Brain

In a way, we are all double-minded and God, himself, created us that way. He didn’t do it to confuse us or tempt us, but because he loved us so much he wanted us to survive. We all know about the cognitive “thinking” part of our brain where our morals, values and reasoning skills are…

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Are You Gaining More Emotional Intelligence?

A few weeks ago, we began a discussion about emotions. If you missed it, you can read it here. God gives us emotions to provide an indication of what’s going on inside us. Many emotions, like anxiety, sadness, and anger warn us that there are important issues in our lives that need resolution. When our…

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What Magic Could Happen if You Dared to Dream?

Are you a dreamer? Or would you consider yourself a card-carrying realist? It’s not unusual for people who daydream to be saddled with the reputation of having their heads so far up in the clouds that they are no earthly good. But, what if letting yourself dream is an important key to having the life…

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The Most Important Thing You May Be Missing

Feeling blue? Lost your joy? Is life just feeling really, really hard lately? The remedy is simple. It’s highly likely you just need a good dose of Vitamin G! It’s not an herbal, or even man-made, but it has been proven time and time again to elevate happiness and contentment. It’s GRATITUDE! Sometimes, in the…

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