Category Archives: 5. Beginning to Thrive Again

Life is most satisfying when you have deep connections and a clear sense of purpose. As you become more able to stand firm in your identity and gifting, you will find you are more able to reach out to others and embrace life in its fullness.

A Sure Way to Still the Fear

Are there waves of fear crashing on your beach? That’s the best way I can think to describe those times when the lulling rhythm of life is interrupted by gripping anxiety. Do you know what I’m talking about? Almost anything can bring it on—the recent election, children that are late coming home, big bills or…

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All You Need is the RIGHT Map to Get There!

Map? Who needs a map? Nearly everyone I know has a GPS these days. It hasn’t always been that way, though. Not so many years ago you were lost without a map (both literally and figuratively). Thankfully, you could get them almost anywhere: the drug store, the variety store, even some grocery stores and restaurants.…

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You Never Know What a Day Will Bring

There are events in all our lives that are game changers. You never know when or where they are coming, but once they do, life is never the same. It doesn’t mean life can’t be good again—sometimes even better—but when you look back over your life, these events stand out as pivotal points. They change…

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How to Change the Rules Your Brain Makes

Each of us has a personal set of rules we live by. That’s good! They provide a type of framework, or code of ethics, for our lives. What isn’t good, however, is that, for most of us, the majority of those rules are based on lies. Did you catch our earlier post about this? If…

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Watch Out for the Talk That Will Harm You the Most!

Talk hurts! We’re human—we worry about what people are saying about us. Are they judging us? Are they spreading rumors? Or, even worse, are they out and out lying about us? Just the idea of it puts a big knot in our stomach. But, what if THEY aren’t the ones we should be worrying about?…

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