Category Archives: 5. Beginning to Thrive Again

Life is most satisfying when you have deep connections and a clear sense of purpose. As you become more able to stand firm in your identity and gifting, you will find you are more able to reach out to others and embrace life in its fullness.

Finding the Way Out of Fear


Fear. EVERY human being has it! The minute Adam and Eve opened the door to sin, fear became a part of the human existence. The minute they chose to disobey, they were instantly afraid and hid from God. WHAT FEARS ARE YOU HIDING? Ever since that fateful day, humans have been fearful. But, not everyone…

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Living an Excellent Life is Risky Business

Risky Risk

Risky Business? Do we REALLY have to go there? It doesn’t sound like much fun. Sure, when our days on this earth are nearing an end, we want to be able to look back and say “I’ve had a good life.”  But . . . I’m afraid most of us would prefer that to come…

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What is the One Source of All Emotional Pain?


We’ve all experienced pain. We’ve fallen. Our stomach didn’t like something we ate. We accidentally cut ourselves. It hurt! And generally, depending on the cause and the severity of the damage, it normally healed in a few days, weeks, or months. A MORE STUBBORN PAIN We’ve all experienced another kind of pain, too. It is…

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How to Avoid the Most Organic Way to Fail


We didn’t intend to fail, but we did it again. My husband and I will be spending a long weekend in the garage. No, that’s not our version of being in the “dog house,” but it might as well be. WE’VE BEEN HERE BEFORE At least once a year we look at each other and…

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How to Reclaim Life After Disappointments

In a recent blog post we talked about disappointments —what they are and why it’s so important that we don’t get stuck in them. Today we’ll look at how to go about moving past all the very real and painful emotions brought on by unfulfilled expectations. If you missed that original conversation, you can read…

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