Is It My Fault?

It is a natural human tendency to try to find something to blame for our problems. It is no different with sexual addiction. There’s a belief held by many that their behavior is somehow the fault of their spouse (or lack of a spouse). Married people convince themselves that if their husband or wife was…

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Women Can Struggle Too

Sexual addiction is not just a men’s problem. It is estimated that a minimum of 15-20% of all women struggle with sexual addiction—even in the Christian community—and it appears that that number is on the rise. Statistics show that nearly one third of the visitors to pornographic websites are women. Others act out in a…

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Too Much to Handle?

Sometimes we hear untruths repeated so many times that we begin to believe that they are true. It can happen in our own lives when someone continually tells us we are stupid or lazy or worthless. If we hear it often enough we begin to accept it as truth. It also happens in the Christian…

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An Elephant in the Room

Many couples are tip-toeing around an elephant in their marriage. It’s big. It doesn’t belong there. But nobody’s talking about what it is or what to do about it. That elephant is sexual addiction. Even before it is seen and named, most of us already sense that there is an invisible wedge growing between us…

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Shame OFF You!

Shame is a common human reaction when we feel we have failed to meet society’s expectations or our own personal standards of behavior and achievement. Your current situation may have set off a torrent of internal talk that includes some of these common false beliefs:  •  “It’s all my fault.” •  “If anyone knew about…

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