How Can He Love God and Do THAT?

Do you sometimes wonder whether your husband is really even a Christian? There’s little doubt that his behavior grieves God and hurts others. Wouldn’t a real Christian be able to “man-up” and start leading his family in the ways of righteousness? He claims to know it’s wrong and yet he still keeps going back to…
The 4 Keys to Staying Strong on the Journey

Sexual addiction recovery can often be a long road. It’s often easy to be strong for a day or a week, but how do you sustain it for months or even years? When I was looking for a name for the blog, I tried scores of different things. Some of them were dumb (I mean…
Think You Want to Know? Be Careful!

As wives, shouldn’t we have the right to hear all the details about what our husbands have done in their sexual addiction? Maaaaybeeeee . . . but there is something much more important to consider here than rights. You need to determine if it is the best thing for YOU! It is important for you…
The Way Back from the Nightmare

Have you ever wished that your husband’s problem was just a bad dream? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to wake up to life the way it was before any of this nightmare came to light? Unfortunately, those kind of instant plot resolutions only happen in TV movies. In real life many resolutions, including this one, come…
3 Things You Never Want To Be

How should a “good Christian woman” act when her life is falling apart and her loved one’s behavior makes her sick to her stomach? All too often, because of bad advice or their own confusion, wives take on roles in their life or marriage that actually make things worse—for their spouse, and especially for them.…