The Key to Finding Peace in the Midst of the Chaos


It seems like almost everyone I know —both family AND friends—are facing huge struggles right now. Some of them are having catastrophic monetary problems, others are battling severe health issues, and the rest of them are just plain overwhelmed and exhausted from the steady onslaught of disappointments and chaos that have plagued their lives in…

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The 5 Unexpected Benefits of Journaling your Journey


We frequently suggest that our clients try journaling to help expedite their healing process. They don’t always react positively. More than a few of them have gotten the “green-around-the-gills” look of someone who is about to upchuck. After stuttering and stammering, they mumble something about not being much of a writer and never knowing what…

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What to do when you’re feeling discouraged

It’s easy to become discouraged, especially when the journey you are on is long and hard. It’s always been my intent to write at least one blog post a week. That hasn’t been happening in recent weeks. I’ve lost track of time, but it may actually be closing in on “months.” Have I given up?…

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Where are you God? My boat is sinking!


Do you ever feel like YOUR boat is sinking? Today the sun happens to be glistening on peaceful waters, but it isn’t always the case. Many days the wind is blowing, the clouds are dark and the water is churning so angrily, that the idea of setting sail on it would seem like sheer insanity.We…

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What do Sex, Drugs and Cheese have in Common?


Cheese? Why in the world are we talking about cheese? THE DEAL WITH CHEESE I learned an interesting thing about cheese this week. Cheese contains an unusual protein called casein. I won’t get too scientific here but, evidently, normal protein molecules are made up of individual “beads” of amino acids. These beads are usually strung…

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