What Magic Could Happen if You Dared to Dream?

Are you a dreamer? Or would you consider yourself a card-carrying realist?

It’s not unusual for people who daydream to be saddled with the reputation of having their heads so far up in the clouds that they are no earthly good. But, what if letting yourself dream is an important key to having the life you always yearned for?

I remember years ago, when my husband and I were first dating. As we got to know each other we increasingly discovered that we got along extremely well, had similar beliefs and goals, and liked doing the same sort of things. In many ways we seemed to be the proverbial “match made in heaven.” But, no matter how special or enticing it seemed, I remember very distinctly making the decision not to let myself feel excited or think about the possibility of a future together.

I refused to let myself dream, because I was afraid that if I did, and it didn’t work out, I would be crushed by the break-up. I convinced myself that if I didn’t let myself feel the good feelings now, I wouldn’t miss them later on if it didn’t work out. Unfortunately, in trying to protect myself, I almost cheated myself out of a very good thing.

I think that happens to a lot of us. We believe that if we don’t allow ourselves to have dreams and aspirations, we will be able to avoid  the inevitable loss and disappointment we would feel if those things never came to pass.

The problem with that theory is that when we don’t dream about growing and moving forward in the days to come, we get stuck and end up feeling hopeless and depressed today.

Let’s be honest. If we won’t even allow ourselves to take a mental risk, how will we ever be able to step out and make the tangible changes that would make our lives more satisfying and God-honoring?

It’s been said that the difference between a dream and a goal is that a goal has a plan and a timeline. Goals delineate the individual steps we will need to take to fulfill our dreams.

If we don’t first catch a glimpse of the dream, however, how can we even begin to see the steps that will move us closer to it?

Dreaming is what starts the process and shows us that important “why” that will get us moving and help us persevere in reaching our goals.


  • It helps us see possibilities and solutions that we have been blind to.
  • It opens us up to God’s direction as we begin searching for the steps that will help us reach those dreams and turn them into goals.
  • It moves us away from hopelessness by giving us the purpose and courage we need to take the necessary risks along the way.
  • It takes our focus off of our own pain and fear and helps us see the bigger picture—God’s plan for our lives.
  •  It fills us with hope and gratitude for the potential God has given us.

As motivational speaker, Les Brown, says “too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” That’s certainly been true at various times in my life. How about you?

The challenge for all of us is to do something each day that will bring us a little closer to our dreams. If you’re one of the ones that hasn’t been dreaming, that, in itself is a great place to start.

Remember, God’s plan is always bigger than what we think we can do. He will give us great and awesome dreams (and the means to accomplish them) IF we let him.

It reminds me of yet another quote from Mr. Brown: “Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit.”

Don’t settle for anything less than God’s best for you!

“For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need.”  — Philippians 4:13

TODAY’S CHAT: Are you currently living your dreams? If not, where in the process are you stuck? . . . daring to dream? . . . finding the steps to turn your dreams into goals? . . . or persevering until you reach your goals and your dreams become reality?

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