How to Pray for the Man Who Broke Your Heart

It’s hard to pray for the one who hurt you—especially when it’s the man who promised to love you forever. Our angry and broken hearts may want to turn away from him. The human part of us wants to put up an emotional wall so he can’t hurt us again, but God wants more than…
How to Enjoy a Clean Heart in a Dirty Mess

Have you ever wished that life could just go back to the way it was before you learned about your husband’s struggle? Are you worried that his shameful behaviors have indelibly marked you somehow? Maybe you’re finding it hard to believe that you will ever be able to fully regain the clean heart, serenity and…
3 Reasons to be Grateful for your Husband’s Struggle

Grateful? How in the world could you ever be grateful for what has likely been one of the most difficult challenges of your life? In fact, why would anyone on this planet even consider saying thank you for something that has caused them so much pain, embarrassment and heartache? It’s an insane thought . .…
Could This Be the Year of YOUR Solution?

Do you need a solution or two? My husband and I sure do! It’s been no secret that the past few years have been very challenging ones for us. We’ve experienced an unrelenting assault of personal losses, health problems, and financial struggles, God has faithfully brought (and is bringing) us through them all. BUT .…
When Revenge is the Best Answer

Revenge is one of those secret desires. As Christians we know somewhere deep inside that it isn’t OK but, if we’re honest about it, it does cross our minds from time to time, doesn’t it? It’s practically an automatic response, like blinking, or jerking your hand back from a hot stove, especially if we’ve been…