Category Archives: 4. Taking Care of YOU

As you begin to realize the ways you’ve been hurt by your husband and others, you can finally begin to work toward undoing the damage and giving your personal needs the attention they deserve.

3 Reasons to be Grateful for your Husband’s Struggle


Grateful? How in the world could you ever be grateful for what has likely been one of the most difficult challenges of your  life? In fact, why would anyone on this planet even consider saying thank you for something that has caused them so much pain, embarrassment and heartache? It’s an insane thought . .…

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Could This Be the Year of YOUR Solution?

Do you need a solution or two? My husband and I sure do! It’s been no secret that the past few years have been very challenging ones for us. We’ve experienced an unrelenting assault of personal losses, health problems, and financial struggles, God has faithfully brought (and is bringing) us through them all. BUT .…

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Teeny Weeny Update and an Invite!

Update time! I still don’t feel like things are quite back to normal around here after my husband’s health scare. My writing time has been SEVERELY limited these past few weeks as we’ve tried to navigate a ton of different doctor appointments, new gadgets and a concerted effort to get back to eating a little…

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God Will Reveal What Your Heart is Searching For

Throughout our lives we are searching for answers. Some of our questions are philosophical in nature: Who am I? What is my purpose? Which path should I choose? Others are more practical: How should I deal with this? How will I cover this unexpected bill? What should we have for dinner? Whether they are big…

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The Prize is at the Bottom!

THE QUEST Back when I was a kid lots of grocery items came with a prize in them. I can’t even count how many bowls and boxes of things I ate that I really didn’t care for . . . just to get a chintzy little plastic prize. Those silly trinkets always seemed to settle…

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