The Way to Genuine Hope and Freedom

Maybe you’ve heard the dismal statistics relating to sexual addiction recovery. Maybe people you trust have told you that a person can never FULLY be free from this addiction. Maybe your husband has failed so many times at his attempts to turn away from pornography or get a rein on his fantasies that you’re both wondering whether it’s a waste of energy to even keep trying.

But, it doesn’t really matter what you’ve heard . . . or how many times he’s failed. The truth is there IS hope! There are scores of men and women, who were once in the very same place that he is now, that are walking in freedom today. They no longer have to fear that “the monster” will come out if they’re alone. They no longer feel like the worst kind of hypocrite. They don’t have to be afraid that someone will find out about their double life. That heavy load of shame has been lifted. They know FREEDOM . . . and your husband can know it too!

It’s not easy. In fact, it may be the hardest thing he’s ever done . . . but it is not out of his reach.

As most of you know, my husband struggled with sexual addiction for many, many years. Even after years of counseling, he was still struggled with periodic slips. It was devastating for both us. He even got the point where he seriously wondered whether he was somehow uniquely sinful or far too broken to ever experience complete healing.  Thankfully, as he kept plodding along, his story has changed. This is what he says today:

“For the first time in my life, I truly KNOW that people who have struggled with sexual addiction, like me, can find a TOTAL healing. For most of my life I believed that I could get a lot of healing, but the addiction would always be sitting on my shoulder waiting for the opportunity to bring me down. I was convinced that there would always be periodic slips and their consequences to contend with.


 Today, I can say I am enjoying a freedom that only God can give. I know that it is not just that I am trying harder to ‘do better’—my heart has actually changed from the inside out. I first noticed it soon after I found out that one of the adult video stores I used to frequent was going out of business. Sadly, their closing wasn’t because there was no longer a demand for pornography, but because the owner felt he could no longer compete with the ease and convenience of accessing pornography on the Internet.

      A few days later I was heading out to do a few errands and the thought crossed my mind that I should stop by their big clearance sale ‘for old times sake.’ But, just as quickly as the thought came in, my mind countered it with, ‘Nah, I like where I am now. I don’t want or need to go back to that anymore’. And without another thought, I didn’t”.

—an excerpt from our  book “Now Choose Life!

Recovery IS a choice. Not a choice to try harder, but a choice to learn how to surrender and let God heal the wounds and rewrite the beliefs that fuel the addiction. It is rare that someone is able to find freedom on their own, but, with God, all things are truly possible!

“Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” — Psalms 25:5

TODAY’S CHAT: Have you ever experienced a situation in your own life where trying your hardest wasn’t enough, but surrendering to God brought new hope and blessings? It would be an encouragement to us all if you would share your story with us in the comment box below.

Image courtesy of markuso at

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