Got a One Way Ticket on the Crazy Train?

“I think I’m going crazy!”

I can’t count the number of wives of sex addicts I have heard utter those words across the table. If that thought has crossed your mind, too, you are certainly not alone. I would even go so far as to say that those feelings are pretty normal given what most of you have gone through.

There are four main categories of mood or thinking changes that you may have encountered. Even one of them can cause you to wonder about your sanity:

Unwanted memories of how or when you found out about your husband’s struggles (re-living these memories can sometimes be very intense)
•  Unrelenting thoughts about your husband acting out or cheating on you
•  Upsetting dreams about his behaviors or your relationship
•  Severe emotional or physical reactions when anything reminds you of your husband’s struggle or what it has done to your family

•  Trying to pretend like nothing has changed.
•  Refusing to think or talk about your situation or feelings
•  Avoiding anyone or anything that might remind you of what you’re facing

•  Negative thoughts or feelings about yourself or others
•  Feeling emotionally numb
•  Lack of interest in the things you used to enjoy
•  Hopelessness about the future
•  Difficulty remembering details or events
•  Problems in maintaining close relationships

•  Irritability, angry outbursts or aggressive behavior
•  Feelings of impending doom
•  Overwhelming guilt or shame
•  Self-destructive behaviors
•  Trouble concentrating
•  Sleep issues
•  Feeling constantly on edge. Easily startled or frightened.

Do you remember feeling any, or all, of these when you first found out about your husband’s behaviors? How many of them are still plaguing you now?

Admitting to yourself how deeply your husband’s struggle has affected you is a important first step in your own healing. We invite you to join us as we explore other aspects of this often-ignored topic—including how to get OFF the crazy train— in the next few blog posts.

Click here to read Part 2,  Are You Feeling STUCK on the Crazy Train?

1 Comment

  • Cheryle McConnaughey

    Reply Reply December 6, 2015

    This is a great post! I can’t wait for the next one. I wish that I would have known all about this years ago. But I guess the Lord had a purpose in all of it.
    What I am grateful for is that I found Life More Abundant.

    The Genesis Process has brought me such healing and out of denial and even though I might still experience some of these things from time to time they are not as life debilitating and are very short lived. I now have tools to help me move ahead. I also have tools that keep me from a relapse or as deep of one.

    The Lord has change my life for good and I experience joy like never before and when down the Lord is always right there to help.

    Thank you Janet for you commitment to help those who are devastated by all of this.

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