Focus in on a Better Life

What is your focus today? What’s at the very center of your interest or activity? Is it your burgeoning to-do list? Is it the chaos in your life? Is it the unfairness life has dumped on you?

It’s so easy to let the situation around us be the thing we most focus on. It’s in our face every day. We can’t get away from it . . . or can we?

Have you ever fiddled with a camera? Not the automatic point and shoot kind, but a more “professional” one where you can make manual adjustments? By changing the settings you can totally change the picture. You can make a close-up object sharp and clear and the background blurry or you can switch it around and make the foreground out of focus and the background stand out. It’s all up to you. Adjusting the focus significantly changes the image that you will get.

In the same way, if we let the sordid details of our current situation be the thing we focus in on, we blur out Jesus, who is closer than a brother. It becomes more difficult to acknowledge his presence, see the blessings he has given us, or even hear his still small voice, because our eyes are looking beyond him and seeing only the situation, the unfairness, the chaos that is swirling around us.

As we learn to adjust our focus, we will actually change how we see life. When we keep our eyes on God, the other stuff slides into obscurity. It’s still there. Nothing has changed. It just becomes dimmer and less important.

Even more significant, this change of view changes US! We find ourselves becoming more hopeful, more grateful, more excited about life.

I don’t know about you . . . but I think today might be an excellent time for me to go fiddle with my focus!

. . . Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing, our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. — Hebrews 12:1-2

TODAY’S CHAT: Think about where your focus has been in recent days and weeks. How has it affected your view of your life and future? Please share any things you have found that help you gain and keep a beneficial focus.

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at



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