Category Archives: 3. Surviving Life with a Sex Addict

Healing is a process that won’t happen overnight for you or your husband. With persistence and the help of God and others, you will increasingly experience the joys of a mended life.

Freeing Your Emotions for a More Awesome Life

If the important people in our past discounted our emotions or insisted that we shouldn’t be feeling them, we may have begun to doubt ourselves and our feelings. Many of us learned to suppress the emotions we were told were unacceptable. The Problem Even though we may have been successful in shoving them out of…

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Anger—Are YOU Really Being Honest About It?

Anger is a strange thing. It is rarely what it seems. It serves as a disguise for some emotions and yet hides behind others. It is considered a secondary emotion. It takes over and provides a way of not showing or feeling another emotion that is uncomfortable for us. IT PROTECTS Remember that little boy…

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5 Reasons We Can Thrive in the Storm

When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person that walked in. That’s what the storm is all about.—Haruki Murakami Throughout our lives, we are forever changing and, hopefully, growing. As long as life rolls along fairly quietly and the changes are subtle, we can live with, and maybe even embrace,…

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A Little Dose of Fun will Make Your Day!

What have you done for fun lately? No . . . really . . . I’m serious. What have you done to rejuvenate yourself? I’m not talking about spas or massages or getting your nails done, although those can give you a bit of a boost, as well. I’m talking about those simple no-cost; low…

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How to Be a Winner Without Making Resolutions This Year

How are you doing with those New Year’s Resolutions? Statistics show us that the vast (and I mean VAST) majority of New Year’s resolutions will be broken by the second week of January. Yikes! That’s not very encouraging, is it? Are we going to just end up in the same disappointing scenario as last year…

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