Category Archives: 5. Beginning to Thrive Again

Life is most satisfying when you have deep connections and a clear sense of purpose. As you become more able to stand firm in your identity and gifting, you will find you are more able to reach out to others and embrace life in its fullness.

Addiction Sucks!

If you’re reading this, you’re probably all too aware of this indelicate truth. There is no arguing that being addicted to anything is destined to provide some of life’s most intense challenges—for the struggler, for the spouse, AND for the family and friends that are trying to figure it all out. Realizing that someone you…

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3 Simple Steps to Less Shame

Less Shame

Shame is a burden that none of us needs to carry. Working through the following steps will help eliminate the extensive effects of carrying shame. 1. ANALYZE THE SITUATION • Step back from the problem that lead to the shame and view it in a different light—reframe it. • Look at the external factors that…

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Shame OFF You!

Shame is a common human reaction when we feel we have failed to meet society’s expectations or our own personal standards of behavior and achievement. Your current situation may have set off a torrent of internal talk that includes some of these common false beliefs:  •  “It’s all my fault.” •  “If anyone knew about…

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